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Writing content

Published on by FjellOverflow · 3 min read

Adding content in Nordlys is as easy as creating a new Markdown (or MDX) file and starting to write. For projects and blog posts, src/content/config.ts contains the schema definitions, thus defines what properties need to and can be set in the frontmatter.

Adding a New Page

To add a new page to Nordlys, navigate to the src/pages and create a new Markdown file. Most likely you’ll want the page to use the default layout, so set that in the frontmatter. After that, you can start writing your content.

layout: '@/layouts/PageLayout.astro'
title: FAQ

## How can I contact you?

You can contact me at ...

Go to localhost:4321/faq in your browser, and you will now see your newly created FAQ page! The frontmatter of a page is defined as follows.

// non-set properties default to the properties set in the theme config
type PageFrontmatter = {
  title?: string // tab title
  author?: string // meta
  description?: string // meta
  canonicalURL?: string // meta
  openGraphImage?: string | HTMLAttributes<'img'> // relative URL to image in public folder or local asset
  publishedDate?: Date // meta
  scrollProgress?: boolean // bar indicating scroll location on top of page
  activeHeaderLink?: string // title or href of the active header link
  scrollToTop?: boolean // "Back to top" button when having scrolled far down

Writing a Blog Post

Writing a blog post is essentially the same as adding a new page, with slightly different frontmatter. You can follow the same procedure, except you’ll create the file in the src/content/posts directory.

title: I learned something
description: A quick update on the new things I learned
publishedDate: 2024-10-06
  - programming
  - TIL

So today, I started learning a new programming language. It is really cool because ...

Navigate to localhost:4321/posts, and your new post will have appear there. Clicking on it will show the content you wrote, nicely rendered as text! The frontmatter of a post is defined as follows.

type PostFrontmatter = {
  title: string
  author?: string // defaults author set in theme config
  description: string
  publishedDate: Date
  draft?: boolean // defaults to false
  canonicalURL?: string // meta
  openGraphImage?: string | HTMLAttributes<'img'> // either URL to image in public folder or local asset
  tags?: string[] // defaults to []
  showToC?: boolean // show a Table of Contents, defaults to true

Adding a New Project

To add a new project in Nordlys, simply create a file in the src/content/projects directory. Set the project properties, write a short description, and you’re done!

title: Awesome App
startDate: 2023-10-06
endDate: 2024-10-06
  - HTML
  - CSS
  - TypeScript

I developed an awesome app, using `HTML`, `CSS` and `TypeScript`! The app can ...

Take a look at localhost:4321/projects, and your new project should be listed there! The frontmatter of a project is defined as follows.

type ProjectFrontmatter = {
  title: string
  url?: string // can be relative or absolute
  startDate: Date
  endDate?: Date // shows "Now" if not set
  tags?: string[] // defaults to []

Note that projects don’t generate a dedicated page, but are just listed on the /projects page.