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Syntax highlighting

Published on by FjellOverflow · 2 min read

Nordlys, out of the box, offers well-styled code blocks with customization features, in addition to the basic syntax highlighting by Astro. This post showcases and explains the various customization options available.

Basic Example

As always, we can embed code into .md and .mdx files by using code fences (```).

sudo apt update

The code above renders to:

sudo apt update

Notice that, thanks to some post-processing and styling by Nordlys, the code block also has a header. Clicking on the icon in the header copies the embedded code to the clipboard.

Setting the Code Language

Nordlys can also render an icon that matches the code-language in the header. When adding javascript as the code language after the first backticks(```), the code block will have JavaScript syntax highlighting and display a small icon in the header.

const sortedArray = [3, 1, 2].toSorted()

The code above renders to:

const sortedArray = [3, 1, 2].toSorted()

If the code language is not specified or if a language that is not yet supported is used, the icon will be displayed, as seen in the basic example.

Adding a Label

We can also display a custom label in the code header, such as the name of a file containing our embedded code. To achieve this, we add a label after the code language, following the backticks. This means we need to specify the language to render a label.

```python scripts/
sortedList = sorted([3, 1, 2])

The code above renders to:

sortedList = sorted([3, 1, 2])

Changing Color Scheme

It is also possible to change the colors of the code blocks, by changing the shikiThemes in theme.config.ts. For a list of avaible themes, refer to the Shiki documentation.

export default defineThemeConfig({
  shikiThemes: {
    light: 'vitesse-light',
    dark: 'vitesse-black'
  // ... other settings